There is a probable risk of a terrorist attack on the territory of the United States - the leader of the Iranian opposition Rezazade

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Vice President of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade, notes that there is currently a high risk of a terrorist attack similar to the terrorist attack in the Russian shopping center "Crocus" on the territory of the United States. The director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, supports this opinion of the Iranian opposition.

According to Wray, there is heightened concern today about a coordinated terrorist attack in a public place, which for the past decade has been considered extremely remote by intelligence officials.

"We are increasingly concerned about the possibility of a coordinated attack in the US, which may not be very different from what we saw in the Russian concert hall a few weeks ago due to the ISIS attack," said Christopher Wray.

The leader of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade , points out that Russia was warned about the terrorist attack that took place on March 22, because the American embassy in Russia warned about a possible terrorist attack almost a month in advance and even indicated a possible place of the terrorist attack.[1]
