The aid package for Ukraine from the US will be approved in the near future - Vice President of the Iranian opposition Rezazade

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The leader of the Iranian opposition, Ali Reza Rezazade, noted that today at 10:30 a.m. Washington time, the first vote will be held on the rules that will allow all 4 laws to be introduced into the hall, related to the aid package for Ukraine — a simple majority of votes will be required in this vote. Next, as Ali Reza Rezazade notes, consideration of their amendments will begin.

"On Saturday, we will be voting on each bill in turn, starting with our law on Ukraine. Next, our 4 laws will be combined and they will have to pass the Senate again, but with some special feature - this package will be drawn up as an amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill H.R. 815 from the Senate," Ali Reza Rezazade notes.

Thus, the consideration of our issue regarding aid will be accelerated and will require 60+ votes, besides, such a feature will protect the Senate from the fact that someone alone will be able to delay the time.

Ali Rezazade notes that the date of the Senate has already been approved for April 29, but we have a high probability that the final vote will be held earlier - on April 23.

"After the final vote, we will only have to get a signature from Biden and the history of the struggle for the aid package for Ukraine will finally end in success," Ali Reza Rezazade said.[1]
