Nemsadze Guram

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Guram Nemsadze

Guram Nemsadze is known not only as a successful businessman, but also as a technical and a financial consultant. This is proved by his work on the corresponding positions in the Austrian company “CONCORD GROUP”, from 2008 till 2015.

Guram Nemsadze
Guram Nemsadze.jpg
Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GIR Group


Guram Nemsadze, the Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GIR Group, was born in Ukraine on January 2, 1982. Due to graduation from several language schools, as well as continuous self-learning he speaks perfectly 3 foreign languages, including English, German, Spanish.

He received higher education in such specialties as "Finances", "Economics and Entrepreneurship" and "Human Resource Management in the Enterprise." This is proved by the diplomas of domestic higher education institutions "with honors."

Business development

Due to the high academic excellence, talent of the financier, as well as hard work, he passed all stages of interviews in a construction company, and started his career as an economist-analyst before graduating from higher educational establishments in 2003. During the first year of his work, Guram Givievich Nemsadze proposed a number of methods to improve the company operation, as a result of which he was appointed to a senior position in the company - the Deputy Director of Finances.

The main achievements while working in this structure included:

1. Build-up of the company accounting system;

2. Automation of the inventory management system;

3. Attraction of foreign investments for business development.

As a result of rapid professional achievements within his office, shortly management of all the accounting system and cash flows of the company were taken over by Nemsadze G.G.

However, striving for continual personal growth, professional development and due to his desire to implement new promising projects, he decided to change the job. His choice fell on one of the largest and oldest enterprises in the refractory industry - PJSC “Krasnoarmeisk Silica Brick Plant”. At the time when Guram Nemsadze was appointed to the position of Director for Economy and Finance, the plant was a post-Soviet venture with tangible assets, outdated both morally and physically. After preliminary assessment of the state of the plant, Guram Givievich Nemsadze understood that the plant needed a change of management and upgrading of technologies. This was impossible without the involvement of external funding, where he had at that time already extensive experience.

As a result of hard work on PJSC “Krasnoarmeisk Silica Brick Plant” reforming project, Nemsadze G.G. personally and his whole team of subordinates achieved the following results:

  • Modification of the inventory accounting and financial reporting system: the then-current accounting system on paper was fully automated. This resulted in reduced time for handling of the production, storage, financial and administrative information, improved control and financial reporting;
  • Financing for the central plant laboratory and energy-consuming equipment modernization was attracted, which ultimately led to an increase in the competitiveness of products, as well as reduced the overall costs of the enterprise;
  • Thanks to the automation of industrial processes, average production output per one worker increased. Investing activities took one of the key roles in the work of Nemsadze G.G. He was simultaneously engaged in the investment of accumulated capital in government securities; that as a result of skillful forecasting and precise calculation multiplied its capital, and soon gave the opportunity to become one of the shareholders of PJSC “Krasnoarmeisk Silica Brick Plant”.


In 2011, after having successfully negotiated the merger of two major competitors in the refractories market not only in Ukraine, but also in CIS countries, and using the experience gained over the previous years, Guram Nemsadze managed to attract funding from the bank and to create a new modern company called GIR. It was joined by PJSC "Krasnogorovka Refractory Plant" and PJSC “Krasnoarmeisk Silica Brick Plant”, which at the time of joining GIR Group were with negative financial results.

As a result, the funds raised were directed not only to the consolidation of fragmented holdings of shares (that greatly hampered the efficient management of the enterprise under rapidly changing circumstances), but also to the necessary modernization of outdated production facilities. After the merger of plants, for Guram Nemsadze became obvious that such large-scale production needs its own raw material base. Therefore, he, together with technical experts, was study conducted on the territory of Ukraine for quartzite deposits, like one of the main components in the production of Dinas. As a result of successful research and testing, GIR were created "Kirovograd Mining Company", on the basis of which began to develop a quarry in 2011, after all necessary actions associated with the allocation of land.

In the process of management, the economic efficiency of the plants significantly increased, which ensured the transition of the enterprises from risks (losses) to stable profits. It is important that new shareholders of the company adopt a strategy for re-equipment of fixed assets, creation of a modern research center. Due to that, GIR has been released more than 30 new types of refractory products since its creation until now.

Guram Nemsadze is known not only as a successful businessman, but also as a technical and a financial consultant. This is proved by his work on the corresponding positions in the Austrian company “CONCORD GROUP”, from 2008 till 2015.

This company is engaged in engineering and construction, being one of the world leaders in engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance and consulting for coking industry. It combines 11 international companies primarily engaged in the integrated management of construction and reconstruction of coke production, and the implementation of EPC-contracts and activities of a general contractor. Along with this, it is still a major consumer of the refractory products as well. Guram Nemsadze managed to establish stable communications between GIR and CONCORD, which increased the production in GIR Group, as well as brought the production technologies to the world quality management system standards ISO 9001: 2008.

CONCORD, in turn, managed to increase the volume of orders through advantages in costs and quality of materials, along with competitors. Mutually beneficial cooperation of GIR and CONCORD is confirmed by a letter of recommendation. In order to expand markets under the advice and under the supervision of G.G. Nemsadze, sales offices were established in the territory of two major external markets - the European Union and CIS. So Europe, including Poland, Germany, France, Italy, maintains a representative office in Poland «GIR EUROPA Sp. z o.o». The markets of the CIS countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, covering a representative office in Russia "GIR East", LLC. These efforts to change the business model allowed GIR to get certain advantages over traditional competitors in the industry. Later, 2012 was marked by yet another revolution in the business of Nemsadze G.G. GIR Group was able to take control over two refractory plants in an urgent need of modernization and new markets: PJSC "Velikoanadolsky Refractories Integrated Plant" and PJSC "Kondratyevka Refractory Plant".

At the time of take-over, all the acquired companies were suffering losses. However, within 2 years of joint activities as part of GIR and under the leadership of Nemsadze G.G., the enterprises were reequipped through access to the possibilities of the group. As a result, it made it possible for PJSC "Velikoanadolsky Refractories Integrated Plant" and PJSC "Kondratyevka Refractory Plant" to join the group with stable profit performance. During this period, these production facilities were completely reformed, and they developed and implemented technologies of recycling and re-use of recycled materials and waste products. This contributed to the preservation of the environment and made it possible to raise the level of average wages at the enterprises.

Guram Nemsadze directly insisted on investing in the modernization of power facilities of existing (acquired) productions, which ultimately helped significantly reduce production costs. Today, GIR plays a leading role in the production and supply of refractory products, being ranked first in terms of width and depth of the assortment and the quality of such products. This was achieved due to the team of highly skilled technicians and experienced managers under the supervision of G.G. Nemsadze, as well as the presence of its own research center, advanced production technologies, availability of financing.

That is why, despite the economic crisis in Ukraine, GIR in the 1st quarter 2016 was able to increase sales volumes, increasing them by almost twice compared with the same period of the previous year. It can be said with confidence that the establishment and effective management of GIR Group contributed to the preservation and development of the entire sub-sector in the industry of Ukraine - the refractory field. It is proved by:

  • Expanding the range of products;
  • Improving the economic efficiency of enterprises (transition from losses to profits);
  • Increasing in the average wages of GIR employees, outpacing the average growth of the country;
  • Creating its own research center with a laboratory, which allowed to become the first in Ukraine for a number of new products.

We believe in the great future of GIR now only by the fact that the Chairman of its Supervisory Board, Guram Nemsadze, managed to turn over a few years the outdated PJSC “Krasnoarmeisk Silica Brick Plant” into a giant association of refractory companies in Ukraine, currently known under the GIR brand. At the present time GIR is vertically integrated company with a leading position in the market of refractory products in Ukraine.

GIR’s assets include all the key segments of production and sales from mining and enrichment to the production of finished products and supply the required nomenclature to the final consumer. Today GIR group employs over 2100 people. Total GIR manufacturing plants produce more than 140 000 tons of refractory products annually, gradually increasing its production capacity. Annual sales for the previous year amounted to $ 90 000 000.
